ChangeWave Research Alternative Energy Trends Report

As promised earlier this week, I have been given permission to post the abstract of the ChangeWave Research Alternative Energy Trends report. I work for the publishing company that produces the ChangeWave services and have been involved with ChangeWave from the beginning. I am also an Alliance member. The ChangeWave Alliance is a group of about 5,000 industry insiders and professionals that are regularly surveyed to track economic and investment trends in various sectors of the market. You can learn more about ChangeWave at their newly redesigned website. If you are currently an alternative energy professional and want...
the belt

Building Community Capital

At ComCap19, I drank from a firehose of information about local investing, securities law, crowdfunding, and democratizing capital. And had a great time! by Evelyn Wright I just returned from spending four days in Detroit at one of the most inspiring and informative conferences I’ve attended in a long time: Community Capital 2019. This was the fourth gathering of this network of entrepreneurs, lawyers, financial professionals, economic development practitioners, and community organizers dedicated to democratizing and localizing finance and investment. I went because — after several months of researching the opportunities and challenges for cooperatives — I’ve seen that access to...

A Brief Hiatus

I have been on a brief hiatus from posting to the website. My other projects and real job have been taking a large portion of my time. I was also recently down two employees at my company, so I was doing triple the amount of my normal work. I’m making an offer to one person today so I'm able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will be trying to catch up on many of the missed press releases today. I will also be switching the intra day graphic to the new Alternative Energy ETF...

Alt Energy Investment Opportunities In The Ag Sector: Intro

I just got back from Growing the Margins, a conference and trade show focused on the bio-mass/gas/energy/products sectors with a focus on the farm and food industries. These are not sectors I have traditionally paid a great deal of attention to, despite the fact that there are very interesting things happening in both. The most notable contribution to alt energy from farm industry over the past five years has been corn ethanol, an enterprise I have long believed to be economically and environmentally unsustainable. To be sure, ethanol, but especially second-generation ethanol, got a fair...
word cloud

Compiling a Directory of Investment Advisors Who Specialize in Green Portfolios

My friends in the divestment movement often ask me how to find an investment advisor who has a focus on fossil fuel free or otherwise green investing, so I thought I would compile a list for publication on If your advisory firm would like to be on this list, leave a comment with your Firm Name, location (city, state, country), and website, plus no more than 100 characters of notes where you can say whatever you want about your firm.  I will review each firm's website to make sure that they are properly registered, and that some flavor of...

American Stock Exchange to Trade Options on Seven PowerShares

The American Stock Exchange® (Amex®) will launch trading in options on Thursday, March 3, 2005 on the underlying shares of The PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy Portfolio (PBW) will open with strike prices of 10-20 with one-point increments and position limits of 1,350,000 shares. The options will trade on the March expiration cycle with initial expirations in March, April, June and September. The specialist will be LaBranche Structured Products, LLC. PowerShares Wilderhill Clean Energy Portfolio is a closed-end fund incorporated in the USA. The Fund's investment objective seeks to correspond to the price and yield of the Wilderhill Clean...

Clean Tech Investing Report

Another excellent resource for investment information for Alternative/Clean/Green investing is Clean Break. If you haven't added Tyler's blog to your RSS aggregator, then you should. I point this out since there is a very interesting snippet in one of his recent posts about future projections for investment by the VC community. Cleantech Venture Network released its latest data on cleantech investing. In the second quarter of 2005 investments in cleantech grew to $369 million (U.S.), up 9 per cent from the first quarter. In the first half of 2005, investments have jumped 21 per...

Five Last Minute Gifts For The Environmental Anti-Materialist

What do you get for the person who hates stuff? My family has this problem every year. As a somewhat rabid environmentalist, I think of stuff as part of the problem. I'm not a big fan of clutter, either. So I always have mixed feelings when I receive gifts. No matter how useful, I can't help but thinking about all the resources that were used to make it. Not to mention wondering where I'm going to put it. You may have someone in your family who feels the same way, for whatever reason. Here are five of the best gifts I've...

Vacation, Updated Graphs, and 2 Conferences

Vacation and Meet Me at the Colorado Renewable Energy Conference or the International Peak Oil Conference. Tom Konrad, Ph.D., CFA I'm on vacation this week, so I'm going to leave you with a preview from a presentation I will be giving at the Colorado Renewable Energy Conference on Aug 29 in Golden Colorado. I'm updating my Investing in Renewable Energy presentations, and I've been able to incorporate a lot of the work Charles and I did on clean energy mutual funds and ETFs since January this year. ETF Holdings Revealed Charles did some in-depth work...

Good Luck Tom (and everyone else)!

A quick note to wish Analyst Tom Konrad the best of luck with his CFA Level III exam today. We also want to wish good luck to all of our readers who are also taking one of the CFA exams today, break a leg! We will be taking a break from The Week In Cleantech this week and will be back on Monday with a special feature.
nestle water bottles

Nestlé: Going Green Swiss Style

As a Peace Corps volunteer on islands in Micronesia it was a delightful to adopt the islanders’ use of banana leaves for everything from baking a sweet potato to serving a picnic lunch to storing leftovers.   The giant banana trees in the garden were so convenient.  Moreover, the banana leaf could not be beat for environmental friendliness.  Once used, the leaves were tossed aside to become mulch for the garden. Of course, back in the U.S.A. it is not practical to rely on banana leaves to wrap a Big Mac at MacDonald’s or ship electronics from Nonetheless, there must be something better than...

REN21 Report

Joel Makower has posted a link to the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century report on his website. Joel sums the report up nicely: All told, it's an upbeat and encouraging assessment that renewable energy around the world is being embraced by an audience far more important than environmentalists, technologists, or even high-ranking government leaders: the big-bucks investors capable of growing the kinds of large-scale, sustainable markets we'll need to create a renewable-energy future. Investment into this sector is growing at a very fast pace and I feel that investors that join in...

Water Gleaner Stocks: Value In Sludge

by Debra Fiakas CFA There are well over 3,000 companies around the world that are involved in some element of wastewater treatment, providing a broad mix of technology, equipment or engineering services to generators and collectors of fouled water.  A small group in this wide field is gaining visibility  -  the ‘water gleaners.’  Like the peasant women picking up stray grains of wheat left behind in the empty field of Millets famous painting, some see value in effluents, sewage and run-off.  In this post we look at three small-companies with novel technologies to harvest water. New Sky...

Seasons Greetings!

The team at wishes all of our readers a happy and safe holiday season 2008. In 2007, we brought you the Cleantech News service. In 2008, we were delighted to bring you individual and category stock pages. We intend to continue looking for ways to create value for our readers in 2009. As always, we invite you to submit comments and suggestions on how you think we can improve We also always love to hear from you through your comments on the site - keep them coming! You all helped make 2008 a great...

Investing In Water Desalination

By Jeff Siegel The million-dollar manicured lawns of Montecito, CA have withered, died, and gone to seed. The polo fields are little more than dust now, and many have traded the good china for paper plates so as to avoid using the dishwasher. There’s no doubt about it  Mother Nature doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor, black or white, fat or skinny. When she lays the smack down, we all feel it. And there is no better example of this than the debilitating drought that’s wringing the Golden State dry. Of course, for those who can afford...

Alternative Energy Mutual Fund?

I recently received an e-mail question from Don that asked, Have you come across any mutual funds that invest in alt. energy stocks? Here was my response, Don, I haven't found any specific mutual funds that are entirely in this sector. I know that the Pax funds have a few holdings of Alt E stocks. This sector has been hot recently, so I know many of the stocks that I follow are in many mutual fund portfolios. Most mutual fund managers are momentum players and when they see stocks moving quickly in any specific quarter,...
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