Comments on: Will McConnell Kill The Bull Market? The Investor Resource for Solar, Wind, Efficiency, Renewable Energy Stocks Fri, 05 Nov 2021 16:32:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Delbert Jackson Fri, 05 Nov 2021 16:32:19 +0000 “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” At some point what is being done has to be acknowledged. Our enemies are happy that we are not united in support of our country over political gain.

By: Tom Konrad Ph.D., CFA Thu, 28 Oct 2021 18:39:01 +0000 In reply to Arthur William Mitchell.

As I said in the article, I took one side because I believe that the R’s had stepped over the line to being pure obstructionists. I’m no more interested in being “balanced” about political parties than I am about stocks.
But you’re right that my article would have been better if I had referenced objective sources. But there is a limit to how much time I have to write.

Yes, a few Republicans in the senate tried to do something useful a few months ago, but if Republicans had really wanted the infrastructure bill passed on its own, they could ally with centrist Democrats in the House and pass it right now- and Biden would sign it. The only thing keeping that bill from passing right now is that Dem progressives in the House won’t vote for it unless it passes along with the reconciliation bill, and Republicans won’t vote of it at all. (Reference per your request: So even in your example, the Republicans, as a party, are obstructionists. The Dems are simply incapable of getting much of anything done because of razor-thin majorities and unified obstruction from the Republicans.

Some stocks are buys, others are sells. Same goes for political parties.

In my opinion, the Republican Party is currently a “sell and run for the hills” or a short sell if your investment/political objective is a well run country. The Democrats are merely a “hold to underweight.” I think we agree that we lack a party of “good” politicians to overweight. But given how bad the Republicans are currently, I have to invest my political portfolio entirely in the Democrats.

By: Arthur William Mitchell Thu, 28 Oct 2021 18:02:18 +0000 Seeing political opinion is disappointing, especially if it is only vague generalizations about political parties that are unsupported by objective facts. (If we want that we can go to Fox News or MSNBC). We come here for your insightful and objective views of green energy and not for cable TV style politics.

In short, you presented no objective facts or logical arguments to support your claims about McConnell, Trump, and the GOP. (Contributions by ideology
You seem to have ignored that the several GOP Senators broke ranks to help write and pass an Infrastructure Bill (the bill features many ‘green’ initiatives in the bill) This type of ‘investment’ has been needed for at least twenty years. The bill is now being held as a political hostage by the Democrats. Are they looking out for America’s future green economy or just scoring political points?

Fire at one party, but do not ignore the intransigence and hypocrisy of the other. A close look at political contributions will show that Both Parties are the parties of Big Corporations ( and both promote governmental gridlock for scoring political points all the while claiming they represent the true will of the American Public. ( [Open Secrets consolidates FEC Data]

IN my opinion over the past twenty years there has been only ‘toe line’ on both sides of the aisle. Until Members of Congress start thinking and voting on their own and not just following the party leadership there will be governmental grid lock. That is why I have found it refreshing over the past several months to see Senators on both sides of the aisle standing up for their voters and not just following Schumer and McConnell like sheep. Now let’s hope we see the House members quit being sheep.

By: Tom Konrad Ph.D., CFA Thu, 07 Oct 2021 17:44:44 +0000 In reply to Arthur William Mitchell.

This is an opinion piece. If you feel there are any factual errors, please be specific point them out instead of doing the same thing you accuse me of: making vague generalizations. If you have a different opinion, write your own opinion piece.

By: Arthur William Mitchell Thu, 07 Oct 2021 17:39:20 +0000 Very disappointed to see an article filled with vague generalizations concerning BOTH political parties. YOU PRESENT ZERO FACTS TO SUPPORT THESE vague GENERALIZATIONS.
