Comments on: Are the Declines in Solar and Wind Stocks Structural, or Cyclical? The Investor Resource for Solar, Wind, Efficiency, Renewable Energy Stocks Mon, 02 Apr 2018 08:25:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Konrad Mon, 01 Aug 2011 12:23:35 +0000 Arthur,
Not talking PUW much was an oversight on my part. I did include PZD in my articles about clean energy ETFs, and it was most recently my top pick for passively managed funds for long term holders, see here: (PBW is still better for short term traders b/c of the better liquidity.)
The reason I never talked about PUW before is b/c when I was picking ETFs to cover, it decided it did not fit my definition of Alternative Energy ETF.
After my conversations with Rob Wilder, I’ve decided to include it in future lists.

By: Arthurhcyip Mon, 01 Aug 2011 05:14:12 +0000 Thanks for the excellent insight per usual, Tom.
I recall your detailed articles specfically focussed on lesser-known ETFs (GRID, PTRP) and I have always wondered why you have not done the same with PUW or PZD given their allocations to efficiency, storage, grid, transport, as opposed to the more popular PBW/PBD/GEX/ICLN/QCLN with heavy wind and solar allocations
